Wednesday, September 2, 2020
Lady Macbeth and Macbeth Essay Example For Students
Woman Macbeth and Macbeth Essay Toward the finish of Act I, Lady Macbeth and Macbeth, are going to carry out a wrongdoing. Woman Macbeth was furious with Duncan, and was plotting to execute him. She continued revealing to Macbeth that they were not going to fall flat. Woman Macbeth intends to murder Duncan and afterward accuse two chamberlains. Woman Macbeths plan is to get the gatekeepers flushed, and afterward Macbeth will wound Duncan while he is unarmed. At that point they would spread Duncans blood everywhere throughout the watchmen. Macbeth knew not to tune in to his significant other, however he did in any case and obliged the arrangement. The initial scene in Act II, scene 2, is of the homicide that is going to occur. The watchmen are flushed, and Duncan is sound snoozing. Woman Macbeths purpose behind not slaughtering Duncan herself is that Duncan looks like her dad, so she surrenders the homicide over to Macbeth. Macbeth leaves the space to execute Duncan, and afterward reenters shrouded in blood. Woman Macbeth orders Macbeth to clean up, and afterward return the weapons to the wrongdoing scene. Macbeth won't, so Lady Macbeth is left to carry out the thing herself. She considers her significant other a weakling, and chides him for not finishing the arrangement the manner by which they settled on before hand. Woman Macbeth and Macbeth are both panicky, and when they hear the thumping on the entryway, they being to speed the procedure up, and they begin to stress over being trapped in the demonstration. Macbeth excuses himself for the wrongdoing that he submitted, yet Lady Macbeth barely cares about it. While Lady Macbeth anticipates Macbeths return, she hears and owl shriek which is by all accounts the chime of death. Macbeth feels regretful for executing Duncan, and his better half despises him for showing up as frail. Macbeth fears the future and what may befall him. He believes that he will wind up in jail for an amazing rest. Macbeth realizes that the blood will fall off of his mind, yet he feels that it won't fall off of his spirit. Woman Macbeth feels that washing his hands will clear his soul, however Macbeth realizes that nothing can assist him with foregetting the homicide he submitted. Macbeth is very embarrassed about himself for killing Duncan. As much as he might want to overlook the whole experience, he realizes that that is beyond the realm of imagination. Woman Macbeth is glad for herself for at long last finishing her arrangement and executing Duncan. She doesn't feel even a tiny smidgen sorry for murdering Duncan. She just thinks about herself, and what she can do to improve her life, regardless of whether it implies ending the life of someone else.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The Effect of the Russian Orthodox Religion on the Essay Example For Students
The Effect of the Russian Orthodox Religion on the Essay CultThe Effect of the Russian Orthodox Religion on the CultOrthodox Christianity has immensy affected the way of life of Russia. The appropriation of the Orthodox confidence from Constantinople by Prince Vladimir in 988introduced social impacts that significantly influenced the Russianconsciousness. As the individuals grasped Orthodoxy it built up a particularly Russianflavor and established somewhere down in the fruitful Russian soul. Conventionality had a majorimpact on legislative issues, workmanship, and about each other part of Russias culture. Universality helped fashion Russias world view and characterized her place on the planet. The congregation influenced the idea examples and inspirations of an entire culture andchanged the manner in which Russians contemplated themselves and the ways that they livedtheir lives. The congregation went about as a binding together factor for the Russian country. Churchholidays and fasts improved and carried importance to the pattern of seasons andsowing in the means society. Russians had a profound strict faithand from it they determined a feeling of direction known to mankind and the guarantee ofsalvation. The congregation supported and protected the way of life of Russia duringcenturies of inner conflict and outside mediation. Customary individuals feel astrong feeling of network and fraternity towards each other through a sharedbond of confidence. Because of this accentuation on network, the privileges of thegroup will in general overshadow the privileges of the person in Russianculture. The Orthodox and Catholic religions had an antagonistic relationship foryears. As this fracture extended and became progressively opposing, the riftbetween the East and the West additionally developed. The distinction in religion betweenRussia and Europe can to a great exten t clarify the immense contrasts that created intheir societies. The Tsar of All Russia determined his capacity and option to manage from hisstatus as Gods picked agent on earth. As it is God alone who bestowedpower on the tsar, it was to the greatest advantage of the government to secure andpromote the congregation. This origination of the tsar having a perfect right torule added to the political inactivity of the Russian individuals. In theByzantium convention the idea of symphonia characterized the relationship betweenthe church and the state and went about as a parity on the boundless intensity of thetsar. As the leader of the congregation and the leader of the express, the metropolitan andthe tsar were rises to and the metropolitan reserved the option to scold the tsar. The question between the Possessors and the Non-Possessors tested the thought ofsymphonia, or agreement and participation between the mainstays of society. ThePossessors and the Non-Possessors held immensely various thoughts regarding the job thechurch should play in the public arena and legislative issues. At the point when the way of thinking of thePossessors triumphed, the congregation picked up the privilege to riches and serfs at theexpense of political impact. The tsar got better than the metropolitan,and the system could now meddle in mainstream matters of the congregation. Therelease of the tsar from any wellspring of responsibility left the tsar withabsolute, boundless force. The maltreatment of Ivan the Terrible exemplify the peril ofabsolute rule left unchecked. The Russian individuals really accepted that God hadsent Ivan to control Russia as a discipline for her transgressions. The split between thetwo groups caused the failures, the Non-Possessors, to be castigated as b lasphemers. This had a negative impact in light of the fact that the congregation came to be spoken to by afaction rather than through an agreement. This prompted just one lot of thoughts beingdeveloped in the congregation and the way of life and thus it lost some of itsvitality. The Possessors made custom hallowed. Each motion, word, andmovement was critical and to veer off from the administration in any capacity would beheresy. This accentuation in the outside type of religion over internal exultationpaved the path for another contention that was to truly sabotage the force ofthe church. .u1d9b0557827eb95a749aa3a3adfa0beb , .u1d9b0557827eb95a749aa3a3adfa0beb .postImageUrl , .u1d9b0557827eb95a749aa3a3adfa0beb .focused content region { min-tallness: 80px; position: relative; } .u1d9b0557827eb95a749aa3a3adfa0beb , .u1d9b0557827eb95a749aa3a3adfa0beb:hover , .u1d9b0557827eb95a749aa3a3adfa0beb:visited , .u1d9b0557827eb95a749aa3a3adfa0beb:active { border:0!important; } .u1d9b0557827eb95a749aa3a3adfa0beb .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .u1d9b0557827eb95a749aa3a3adfa0beb { show: square; change: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-progress: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; obscurity: 1; progress: haziness 250ms; webkit-change: mistiness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .u1d9b0557827eb95a749aa3a3adfa0beb:active , .u1d9b0557827eb95a749aa3a3adfa0beb:hover { murkiness: 1; change: darkness 250ms; webkit-change: obscurity 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .u1d9b0557827eb95a749aa3a3adfa0beb .focused content territory { width: 100%; position: relat ive; } .u1d9b0557827eb95a749aa3a3adfa0beb .ctaText { fringe base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: striking; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; content enhancement: underline; } .u1d9b0557827eb95a749aa3a3adfa0beb .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .u1d9b0557827eb95a749aa3a3adfa0beb .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; outskirt: none; outskirt sweep: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; text style weight: intense; line-stature: 26px; moz-outskirt span: 3px; content adjust: focus; content beautification: none; content shadow: none; width: 80px; min-stature: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: supreme; right: 0; top: 0; } .u1d9b0557827eb95a749aa3a3adfa0beb:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .u1d9b0557827eb95a749aa3a3adfa0beb .focused content { show: table; tallness: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .u1d9b0557827eb95a749aa3a3adfa0beb-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .u1d9b0557827eb95a749aa3a3adfa0beb:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: World Literature Argumentative EssayThe third Rome hypothesis was planned by the priest Philotheus in thefifteenth century. He stated that Russia was the beneficiary and defender of theonly evident confidence. Rome and Constantinople had both fallen and Moscow was thethird and last seat of Orthodoxy. This hypothesis legitimized the RussianOrthodoxys force and attested that she was not, at this point subordinate onConstantinople. A congregation split happened in the seventeenth century due tochanges in custom executed by the Patriarch Nikon. His endeavors to rectifyinconsistencies in the ceremonies of the Greeks and the Russians were only toestablish more prominent solidarity and progression between the two religions. Russia wastrying to help the Greeks who were living under Turkish principle since 1439. Russiahad a feeling of show fate and she felt that she had been decided to defendthe Eastern Orthodox people groups. The conviction that custom must be consecrated causedthe adjustment of custom to be viewed as blasphemous. The individuals who declined tochange their rhythms of love were called Old Believers and they were executedand hushed by the specialists. The Old Believers demanded following theold structures since they dreaded submitting sin. The manner in which they saw the situationwas that Rome had fallen in view of sin. Moscow was the last seat ofOrthodoxy and if Russia tumbled from the finesse of God, it would mean the finish of theworld. The fundamental issue in the split was the connection between the Russianand Orthodox churches.Some felt that since Russia had received Orthodo xy fromByzantium she ought to stay a lesser accomplice. Others felt that it wasRussias predetermination to be a pioneer and to free her Eastern brethren. The Orthodox relegion has been fundamental to the individuals to bring them asense of expectation and fate and a brief look at paradise on earth. The decision ofOrthodoxy was as powerful as the Mongul Yoke on the arrangement of the Russiancharacter. Universality brought the individuals a great deal of euphoria, made a sense ofcommunity, escalated the nations confinement, made delightful craftsmanship, startedwars, convoluted governmental issues, and the best part is that reminded the individuals to adore one another. Religion
Friday, August 21, 2020
Word Choice Disinterested vs. Uninterested
Word Choice Disinterested versus Uninterested Word Choice: Disinterested versus Uninterested Here at Proofed, we see a lot of phonetic misunderstandings. In any case, scarcely any reason more disarray than ââ¬Å"disinterestedâ⬠and ââ¬Å"uninterested.â⬠Itââ¬â¢s straightforward why these words here and there confuse even local English speakers, as theyââ¬â¢re the same from multiple points of view. Both are descriptors identified with consideration, for instance, and the prefixes ââ¬Å"dis-â⬠and ââ¬Å"un-â⬠are here and there utilized reciprocally. Be that as it may, ââ¬Å"disinterestedâ⬠and ââ¬Å"uninterestedâ⬠have critically particular implications, so itââ¬â¢s indispensable to utilize them effectively in scholarly composition. Unengaged (Objective) The word ââ¬Å"disinterestedâ⬠infers opportunity from predisposition and personal responsibility. At the point when we need to take a nonpartisan or target disposition towards something, we would receive a ââ¬Å"disinterested approachâ⬠: In spite of the fact that he thought about nature, as a researcher, James realized he needed to address environmental change impartially. Uninterested (Bored) The word ââ¬Å"uninterested,â⬠by examination, implies ââ¬Å"indifferentâ⬠or ââ¬Å"bored.â⬠Thus, on the off chance that we just have no worry for something, we are ââ¬Å"uninterestedâ⬠: Despite the fact that Jane was a preservationist, she was uninterested in the science behind environmental change. The Prefixes: Dis-and Un- One approach to recollect the distinction between these terms is to consider what the prefix toward the start of each word implies. The prefix ââ¬Å"dis-â⬠infers partition (e.g., disengaged, disconnected). So being ââ¬Å"disinterestedâ⬠is an endeavor to look past your own advantages: a purposeful endeavor to embrace an impartial mentality. The prefix ââ¬Å"un-â⬠for this situation infers a refutation (e.g., troubled, obscure). In that capacity, being ââ¬Å"uninterestedâ⬠is something contrary to being intrigued: i.e., an absence of intrigue instead of an intentional endeavor to move toward something without predisposition. Unbiased or Uninterested? As should be obvious, thereââ¬â¢s a tremendous contrast between the implications of ââ¬Å"disinterestedâ⬠and ââ¬Å"uninterested.â⬠To ensure you utilize these terms accurately, recollect the accompanying: Impartial = Neutral or fair-minded Uninterested = Indifferent or exhausted On the off chance that you can recollect this, you ought to maintain a strategic distance from mistakes in your composition. Be that as it may, since itââ¬â¢s not entirely obvious these things, it never damages to have an expert check your work. Have a go at sending a 500-word test to be edited for nothing.
Wednesday, May 27, 2020
Gay adoptions is a very controversial topic - Free Essay Example
Today there are about 153 million kids in orphanages worldwide. With a number that high, we shouldnt hold people back from providing these kids with a home, a family, and an education. You hear so many people say, They are the future, but the same people who say that, arent doing everything they possibly can to help the kids find homes. Even though all of the 50 states allow gay adoptions, in order for them to adopt it can only be joint adoptions. While Gay Marriage alone is a very controversial topic, gay adoption is more controversial because people believe that a family should consist a mother and a father. One argument that people have about gay adoption is that the kids are not being put into a traditional family. They believe that every child should have a mother and a father. I can understand when people say that a child needs a mother and a father in their lives. A mother can teach her child things that a father could never teach, or that a father can teach his child things that a mother could never. But is that a reason to deny a child a family? Is a child better off in an orphanage system, rather than being in a non traditional family? Another argument is about how the the child of a gay couple would be treated by their peers. We have to work on acceptance, instead of working on ways to prevent gays to adopt. Besides the questions of gay couples fitness for parenthood, there is the issue of how the children of such parents would be treated by their peers In this day and age we have to work on acceptance, instead of working on ways to prevent gays to adopt. While it has commonly been used as an argument against gay and lesbian adoption, studies have shown that same-sex adoption does not have a negative impact on children The studies arent saying that the kids and their families wont still face prejudice and discrimination from people in their communities, it just says that it wont impact them to much. The families will still continue to make a living while battling all it. People who believe that gay adoptions should be legal will say, that same-sex adoptions are needed because there are so many children waiting to be adopted and same-sex couples are able to provide the children with stable homes and families. Kids who are in the orphanage just want a home, and a family. As a parent if you can provide the kids with food, shelter and clothings, it shouldnt matter whether there is a mom and a dad. Our number one worry should be to provide the kids with a stable home, and a great family that they can call their own. So many kids spend their whole life in an orphanage system, and they simply age out of the system when they turn 18, without a family and without the skills to make it on their own. In 2016 over 17,000 kids aged out of foster care. They also will never have a home that they could come back to. They never had someone who could guide them, teach them the skills they need to survive out in the world, because others are denying gays to adopt. I dont believe that a gender of a parent would affect the kind of shelter, food, or clothing that they would provide for the child. No one should deny someone love, or family based on the gender. Love is love, and every child deserves that in their life, no one should ever grow up without a family of their own. They are all alone, because people who have never been in their shoes believe that every child needs a traditional family. That kids are better off in the system rather than being in a home with a gay parent.
Saturday, May 16, 2020
The Invisible War - 1662 Words
The Invisible War 1. a. While watching The Invisible War, many of the service members were treated as though their attire (short skirts, running shorts, etc.), behavior, and alcohol consumption encouraged the sexual assault attacks and sexual harassment they endured during their service in the military. Also known as ââ¬Å"victim blamingâ⬠, this form of blaming often occurs because perpetrators do not want to be held culpable for their wrongdoing. It also may be used as a way to take the blame off the wrongdoer and displace it onto the victim. In addition, the perpetrators often believe that the victim so called ââ¬Å"deservedâ⬠the violence and mistreating that they suffered because of their vulnerability (behavior, dress, etc.). b. Victim blaming can cause serious mental health issues for the victim as revealed throughout The Invisible War. Many of these victims suffer a life long battle of depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Often mental illness is ignored or belittled but for many of these veterans, their mental health has interfered with relationships, daily life, occupations, etc.. c. I have heard ââ¬Å"victim blamingâ⬠unfortunately way too many times. One account I remember specifically was in regards to girl around my age whom I work with who had just been dumped by her boyfriend. While discussing the weekend that had just passed by, she told a fellow coworker that she was walking in the city at two in the morning in a short black dress when a fewShow MoreRelatedThe Invisible War By Kirby Dick1394 Words à |à 6 PagesWords count: 1381 War has always been so merciless, so bloody, and so disastrous. In war there always dead, injuries, and overall is how much the soldier has satisfied. 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Created by Academy and Emmy award winners, Amy Ziering and Kirby Dick. In this film Ziering and Dick try to convince their audience of the ongoing rape epidemic surrounding the U.S. Military. A film intended to reach an audience unaware of theRead MoreThe Invisible War By Ap Writing Lab2714 Words à |à 11 PagesTalya Brown Ms. Terry October 10, 2014 AP Writing Lab The Invisible War Allegations of sexual harassment are thrown about freely in todayââ¬â¢s society and it seems that individuals do not fully understand the gravity of the word or what it actually conveys. Daijah Wilkins, a senior this year explained that until her sophomore year she didnââ¬â¢t fully understand either. She was standing in the hallway when she overheard a teacher, Mrs. Oââ¬â¢Conner, tell a couple that she felt sexually harassed by theirRead MoreEssay Kirby Dicks Film The Invisible War699 Words à |à 3 PagesKirby Dicksââ¬â¢ film The Invisible War. As a director Dick has been nominated for both the Academy and Emmy Awards for best documentary director. Like most of his films, The Invisible War does not fail to capture the real untold stories of those who face conflict. Released June 22, 2012 the film reached thousands and even stirred up the creation of, a website dedicated to changing the laws through a petition to congress. Nevertheless this film depict s the real war women who serve faceRead MoreEssay on Military Sexual Assault: The Invisible War by T.K. Barwlow1711 Words à |à 7 PagesThroughout history, the United States Military has faced numerous scandals. From its role in the Vietnam War, to the Iran-Contra Affair, to the Iraq War, to the abuse and denial of due process rights to detainees currently held indefinitely at the detention center at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba; the Department of Defense has undeniably raised many questions about its ethics and treatment toward both civilians and fellow members of the Armed Forces alike. One recent scandal, which would now appear to beRead MoreDescriptive Essay : Capturing Invisibility999 Words à |à 4 PagesBecause Invisible People is a graphic novel, I was able to not only easily keep my attention on the story, but also genuinely enjoy the plot. I sat down during a rainy day and read the whole novel in under an hour. Being provided pictures and drawings while I read a novel helps me connect with what is going on and allows me to metaphorically put myself in the story. The main problem with The Things They Carried is that it is just like every other book I have ever read. Before reading Invisible PeopleRead MoreCritical Analysis: Ralph Ellisons Invisible Man Essay1651 Words à |à 7 PagesIn Ralph Ellisonââ¬â¢s Invisible Man, we are presented with an unnamed narrator whose values and potentials are invisible to the world around him. Throughout the entirety of the novel, we see the unnamed narrator, also known as the Invisible Man, struggle in an attempt to uncover his identity buried beneath African American oppression and an aggregation of deception. Ellison shows us how lies and deceit may serve as a grave but invaluable obstacle to oneââ¬â¢s journey to find their identity. Through theRead MoreDehumanization And Isolation Of Louie Zamperini1329 Words à |à 6 Pages War can be loud and visible or quiet and remote. It affects the individual and entire societies, the soldiers, and the civilians. Both U.S. prisoners of war in Japan and Japanese-Americans citizens in the Unites States during WWII undergo efforts to make them ââ¬Å"invisible.â⬠Laura Hillenbrandââ¬â¢s Unbroken hero, Louie Zamperini, like so many other POWââ¬â¢s, is imprisoned, beaten, and denied basic human rights in POW camps throughout Japan. Minà © Okubo, a US citizen by birth, is removed from society and
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Republic - Book 1 - Theme of Justice - 2417 Words
The subject matter of the Republic is the nature of justice and its relation to human existence. Book I of the republic contains a critical examination of the nature and virtue of justice. Socrates engages in a dialectic with Thrasymachus, Polemarchus, and Cephalus, a method which leads to the asking and answering of questions which directs to a logical refutation and thus leading to a convincing argument of the true nature of justice. And that is the main function of Book I, to clear the ground of mistaken or inadequate accounts of justice in order to make room for the new theory. Socrates attempts to show that certain beliefs and attitudes of justice and its nature are inadequate or inconsistent, and present a way in which thoseâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦br brCephalus argues that finding old age as a good thing will depend on whether you have the disposition of those who have order and peace with themselves. And he identifies this disposition with the inclination not to tell lies or deceive and the willingness to fulfill obligations to gods and men. He believes that a life which manifests these disposition is the life of a just person, of a person conscious of having lived free from injustice. It is unclear whether Cephalus takes it that being conscious of having lived free from injustices is simply that one has not cheated or told lies and having fulfilled the obligations to gods and man. Because of the living of a just life is merely to follow these guidelines then it is not implied if these virtues are attributed to a specific personality, or of an orderly and peaceful character. If his argument is not correctly linked then there is no reason to correlate living justly with the possession of a certain character; the just character. I t could turn out that the benefits of just conduct are the possession of a particular sort of character. br brSocrates remarks that telling the truth and returning what is borrowed cannot be the definition of justice (as outlined by Cephalus), he claims that instances of the types of action Cephalus thinks of as just, can in different circumstances be identified as cases of unjust. Socrates launches into a description of the act of giving a borrowedShow MoreRelated The Republic - Book 1 - Theme Of Justice Essay2346 Words à |à 10 Pagessubject matter of the ââ¬Å"Republicâ⬠is the nature of justice and its relation to human existence. Book I of the ââ¬Å"republicâ⬠contains a critical examination of the nature and virtue of justice. Socrates engages in a dialectic with Thrasymachus, Polemarchus, and Cephalus, a method which leads to the asking and answering of questions which directs to a logical refutation and thus leading to a convincing argument of the true nature of justice. And that is the main function of Book I, to clear the groundRead More Intangible Justice is in the Soul Essay1352 Words à |à 6 PagesIntangible Justice is in the Soul Platoââ¬â¢s Republic, although officially divided into ten books, can be separated into two very distinct sections. The first section, roughly spanning Books I through IV, contains a rather tangible investigation of justice in practice. Namely, the section considers what acts or occurrences are just, either in a city or in a man. The second section, beginning around Book V and continuing through the end of the dialogue, deals with the much more abstract issue ofRead MoreThis weekââ¬â¢s reading centered on the social contract between God and the Israelites. The reader,600 Words à |à 3 Pagessocial contract between God and the Israelites. The reader, who had grown up familiar with the Exodus, found a much deeper meaning and contextual understanding in this weekââ¬â¢s reading. Specifically, the readerââ¬â¢s attention focused on two key aspects: 1) Godââ¬â¢s control over nature as the contextual focus, and 2) how Exodus, Deuteronomy and Leviticus set forth blue prin ts blue prints for a society. Moreover, the reader was previously familiar with the more traditional version of the commandments in DeuteronomyRead MoreThe Apology Is Plato s Retelling Of Socrates s Trail1599 Words à |à 7 PagesApology is Platoââ¬â¢s retelling of Socratesââ¬â¢s trail. Within his account, he portrays Socrates as a confident, but almost haughty, and reasonable man. The main philosophical themes that Plato presents through Socrates are wisdom, justice, and his purpose in the community. Socrates is at this trial because he has been accused of two things: 1) ââ¬Å"Socrates is guilty of wrongdoing in that he busies himself studying things in the sky and below the earth; he makes the worse into the stronger argument, and he teachesRead MoreDepiction Of Struggle And Division889 Words à |à 4 Pagescommon themes amongst them. By doing so, we were supposed to be able to more deeply understand each text and the argument each was making. Throughout the readings, th e most prominent themes were that of struggle and division, though it is certainly more prevalent and obvious in certain texts than others. Though all the texts depict division and struggle, they focus on different societal divisions This depiction of struggle first became clear during the reading of Plato s Republic in book I, whereRead MorePlatos Philosophy and Works1915 Words à |à 8 Pagesï » ¿Prompt: Book X of the Republic does not reflect the rest of Platos work. On the one hand, Plato stages a final showdown between philosophy and literature (or myth). On the other hand, the book concludes with the elaborate legend of Ers journey into the afterlife creating a determining myth factor. The prompt invites one to make sense of this contradiction. What is the point of the final myth? What does Plato manage to convey through it that he wasnt able to show or persuade with the philosophicalRead MoreGender Based Violence During And After Conflict1319 Words à |à 6 Pagesnothing new. It has been going on for hundreds of years all over the world (Burn) and many other documents, articles and websites cite this statement. This specific topic I chose because I was unaware of it before reading about it in our course work book ââ¬Å"Women Across Cultures,â⬠by Burn. This matter is new to me and I would like to discuss how this issue of violence connects women around the globe. I would like to refresh your memory about this topic from week two, chapter 2, (Burn) and our UniversalRead MoreThe s Defence Of Injustice1733 Words à |à 7 PagesGlauconââ¬â¢s defence of injustice, which he presents to Socrates in book 11 of Platoââ¬â¢s The Republic. For the purposes of this paper, I will focus on the overriding theme in Glauconââ¬â¢s argument; that we are only just for the sake of consequences and will conclude by agreeing with this notion. Glaucon, dissatisfied with previous appraisals of justice, seeks to challenge Socrates by strengthening Thrasymachusââ¬â¢ defence of injustice in book 1. ââ¬ËThis is exactly what he gives us ââ¬â 3 arguments that support Thrasymachusââ¬â¢Read MoreReconciling The Divergence Of The Nature Of Man Between Classic And Modern Thinkers1425 Words à |à 6 Pagesthe Nature of Man between Classic and Modern Thinkers Within Book 2 of Platoââ¬â¢s work The Republic, Socratesââ¬â¢ companion Glaucon describes the tale of the ring of Gyges, challenging Socrates on the nature of man. Within the ring of Gyges scenario, Glaucon posits that when an individual has the power granted by a ring of absolute invisibility that grants impunity, ââ¬Å"no one [â⬠¦] would be so incorruptible that he would stay on the path of justice or stay away from other peopleââ¬â¢s property, when he could takeRead MoreAn Analysis Of The Oedipus And Plato 1636 Words à |à 7 PagesKAUFMANNââ¬â¢S OEDIPUS AND PLATOââ¬â¢S SOCRATES In Chapter Four of his book, Tragedy and Philosophy, Walter Kaufmann claims that Sophoclesââ¬â¢ play Oedipus Rex is one of the greatest tragedies ever written in part because it presents so vividly five characteristics of human life which make our existence so tragic. The purpose of this paper will be, first, to present Kaufmannââ¬â¢s view and, second, to apply these same characteristics to Platoââ¬â¢s dialogues in general and to the characters in Platoââ¬â¢s dialogues,
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Malaysian Automotive Industry Analysis Essay Example For Students
Malaysian Automotive Industry Analysis Essay Proton Company Which makes Malaysia to be the tactics centre Of automobile industry in the area of Southeast Asia. Proton plays a vital role on automobile industry development inception. In this Mite up, the author Will investigate how proton automobile industry came to been and how the automotive industry in question became the cynosure in the African region most especially South African and Nigerian market. As according to market watch (201 1), it is only the coming up of integrated automotive industry will reduce the countrys over reliance on the agricultural sector (spare-mart. 2012). The rationale of this research is to study the importance of the Malaysian automobile export of spare parts to Nigerian market which if to be considered by its diversity, consumer preferences, and competitiveness in relation to South Korea automobiles brands and spare arts export market (MIDAIR 2009), The spare parts that this research work will focus more into the importation of the Malaysian automotive components and parts primarily within low-tech products like bumpers, steering wheels, wheels exhausts, rims, brake pads, bodies, shock absorbers, engine seat, compressors, radiators etc (proponents, 201 2), Keywords: Malaysian, Spare parts, Imports- Exports, Nigeria, Consumer Preferences. (source: proponents, 2012) Problem or Issue Identified. K Lack of proper background study between the exporting and importing countries. Example, not knowing much about customers as well as the value Of renounce that required the need of preliminary investigation about the two markets. * Most busin ess collapse was as a result Of cost effective Which companies over spends together with inflationary rate. * Lack of mutual understanding between countrys businesses due to varying policies. 1. 2 Importance. In this write up, the author tried his utmost best the pinpoint the significance of this report as can be seen below; 1. This business research will enable the export of proton spare parts to Nigerian market as there is a demand of it. As Malaysian automotive was getting attention nowadays. 2. The research will as ell cerebrate opportunities to both the import and export countries. 3. To also investigate why the proton spare parts export was going down even during the economic year 1. 3 Protons Logo (Proton, 2012) I proton parts Organizational Chart, (source: proton parts, 201 2) (Source: provenders, 2011) 2. 0 Research Questions. By earlier mentioning the stated problems above. The following research questions were listed down by the author: RSI What is the influence of parts shortage on Malaysian automotive export parts to Nigeria? ARQ_ What type Of automotive part is needed the most in Nigeria? ARQ. What policy should the two countries be laid on export trading? ARQ. HOW can logistics affect the exports trading in Nigerian automobile market? ARQ. At what cost or price should the product be reaching the consumer nation? 3. 0 Research Objectives and Framework. The broad objectives of this study are to examine the Malaysian automotive export of its spare parts to Nigeria and they will be serve as the elements to build the research model to find out how the variable relate. Thus the specific objectives are: 1. Parts shortage 2. Trade policy 3. Product needs (Market demand) 4. Cost effectiveness S. Logistics Mores, the research objectives are; ROI. To analyses the effects of parts shortage on the Nigerian market. ROR, To help explore how the automobile industries operate in both countries ROR. To state the inflationary figures through cost effectiveness of both countries. ROR. Help identity the logistics of the Malaysian automotive spare parts export industry to Nigeria. 3. 1 Research Model The designed model will illustrate how the dependent variable relies on the independent variables. The theoretical framework based on the studied factors can be viewed at the figure below. Independent Variables Dependent Variable Parts Shortage Parts Shortage Trade Policy Malaysias Automobile export Product Needs (Market Demand) Cost Effective Logistics 4. Literature Review: export of its spare parts to Nigeria for a broader understanding of the subject matter as they are will be elaborated further in below discussion after been listed the Objectives. Thus the specific objectives are: I _ Parts shortage 5. Logistics There also, the above obj ectives can be elaborated in following format as; 1. Parts Shortage: This is the greatest reason why most vehicle owner in Nigeria do to want to go for the Malaysian automobile because of the greater market share that some multinational automaker companies already has in the country. It is not long ago that Malaysian automobile was introduced into the country Nigeria. So many people were not very well familiar with the brand and the literature relating to development of automotive export of spare parts business to Nigerian market focused on service strategies (Gabbier, 2008). There is also branding or brand image, and brand identity plays as well a vital role in this aspect of marketing so as investment in which the Nigerian scared of losing their life paving to invest in Malaysian automotive brands, To cut it short, the reason why Malaysian automobile spare parts were short in the Nigerian market today was according to thorough research by the author was due to three reasons One is brand image and identity. Second is Investment. Third, product quality as well as the Nigerian poor state of roads connection. The below image, are the proton type products already available in the Nigerian market One can there also according to these made mention little are What contributed to the shortage of automobile spare parts in a country like Nigeria. Why this was said is that, the author research on the Malaysian automotive success and as well checking on its foreign success in one of the Africans leader when it comes to importing the countrys automotive products which is South Africa. The South Africa as a nation is the leader amongst the entire African continent and favors more of the Malaysian automobiles than any other country in the region or continent. Below image is the product sample that the Nigerian market needs in order to create more room for the Malaysian automobile industry to the Nigerian market. (tech, 2010) Proton in this aspect has set itself to venture in the Nigerian automotive market in order to compete with some other multinational automotive companies like Toyota, Honda, Peugeot, General Motors (GYM), Immunities, Ford, Renault, Hounded, Volkswagen amongst many other global automakers to help to the world in ease of transport. Branding is what most buyers if not all first think and go for when obtaining a particular product need arises So, this branding touches and intersects with all forms of businesses, be it operational, sales, marketing etc. However, conveying an image that is in sync with a viable brand strategy an not only help even the tiniest of companies but can be a major driver of its success. What branding sends to customers was to convey a unique value, increase brand recall and there also evolve With the companys culture. The company in question was recently trying to create its branding in the country Nigeria. So, it Will take a While to create a strong brand Within the Nigerian automotive market that is why most spare parts were scarce in the country but thanks to major events that took place in Malaysia. One was its sound educational system and the second was the image it created itself in world racket. For instance, the South African automobile market which these will enormously help in sustaining more customers. American Women Liberation EssayThe widely been used definition is the one by Council of Logistics Management which quoted as: Logistics is the process of planning implementing and controlling the efficient, effective flow and storage of raw material, in-process inventory, finished goods or services as well as related information from point of origin to point of consumption for the purpose of conforming to consumer requirements% In this study of Malaysian automobile export of spare parts to Nigeria can be one through contract logistics, which is a contractual agreement to provide logistics service to Nigerian customers in term of this study (Spare parts exports to Nigeria). So, normally in this type of contract agreement (term), any services lured and consideration most be defined within the agreed parties of Nigeria and Malaysia Which there can also be done after making every necessary agreement through sea method of transportation which inexpensive by the time the components Will be arriving the imported country. (presentational. 2012) Table 1: Vehicle production in Malaysia indices Source: Malaysia Automotive Association, 2012) 5. 0 Research Methodology And Design First thing first. Will like to briefly define what is mean by research, research methodology and then the design for a broader understanding of the topic discussion. As according to Sahara (2012) which he sees research as a voyage: A journey; An attitude; Also a method of critical thinking; A careful enquiry in seeking facts for principles. There also he as well defined research methodology; Research methodology refers to the technique, procedure and measures that have been adopted to study a particular population, tools, research instrument estimate. (Thomas, 2003). As the science of studying how a particular research is been conducted scientifically. A methodology that helps to understand not only the products Of scientific inquiry but the process of data collection itself. (Sahara, 2012). There also, in order to research a methodology, there are numerous types and approaches which can be implemented for a better outcome depending on the nature or type of the research purpose. 5. Concept In using concept of research the area of interest is first to be considered make it a focal point which will then be elaborated in detail After the topic has been cited, the next concept step is to come up with a research question (ARQ), In the process of research, it normally begins with the activity of reaching a clear statement rel ated to the research question, The research questions is then known to be a statement of what the researcher have attained through learning and studying which will he completed at the end of the research, gay revising the research questions, it is known to be a good practice which will make sure that the writer or the one who authored the article or journal is clear on what he/she or they intends to know. 5. 2 Research Types. Basically, Research Methodology could further be classified into two types which are Qualitative and Quantitative Methods as per as this particular given research assignment is concern. Qualitative methods mostly deals with description of facts, problems and issues while quantitative method deals with gathered numerical data. In short, these Research Methodologies will be explained in detail as below (Crewel, 2006). 1. Descriptive Quantitative Research: This type Of a research helps measure things as they are be it through frequency or average description. Exam ple, how many people are participating in his program? 2. Descriptive Qualitative Research: Which have a detailed description of a particular situation(s) with the aid of using observations, document sampling or review, and interview. In this case the author Will describe things as they are. Example, peoples perception, or how do people implement this program? 5. 3 Research Design: The researcher in his utmost best stood well in order to make the research result up to standard followed a duly preceding through actual data collection and many reviews in relation to the topic was conducted to study contributions room other researchers to Malaysian export automotive spare parts to Nigeria. In this research design type, qualitative design was employed in order to make it more meaningful. Thomas and Corbett (2003), differentiate qualitative and quantitative research type as; As a qualitative study, the activities of collecting and analyzing data, then developing it and amend possible theories thereby elaborating or refocusing a particular research question, and identifying and dealing with validity. Furthermore, the researcher may need also to modify or reconsider some design session during the study in response to development or changes in some many other respect of the design. (Thomas and Corbett, 2003). 5. 4 Data Gathering Method Many sound quality researchers mainly concerned With validity rather that What is known as factual predictions of their communication in order to decrease the likelihood Of misinterpretation, through procedures Which may have include data redundancy collection as well as procedural challenges in their explanation to the particular study they make or about to be conducted. There are Of course various other data gathering in qualitative research methods which amongst ere: interview, summation focus group, document review, observation as well as critical reports in incident. But, in here of this particular research, the document review is the one type used for this research wince various literature reviews were the only method referred in order to come up with such amazing research on this particular chosen topic (Dentin, Lincoln, 2005). And one can define document review as a research method that requires the researchers with in-depth learning process, so as to enable a critical text editor, such as media reports, diaries, journals, articles or blobs. The researcher should explain the method used and readers should feel at home that the method involved a critical approach. Importantly, the whole entire of this research was conducted through websites as well as journals and articles (Dentin : Lincoln, 2005). 6. 0 Ethical Consideration In this given research conducted so far there is no harmful effect carried out or stated through the entire piece of the research finding an was in a compliance with both state as well as a federal law from both exporting country (Malaysia) and the importing country (Nigeria). Furthermore, this founding can be printed, edited for revise, redistributed or viewed by others most especially the automotive industries in the country as well as foreign investors alike. But, as this case is concern, the founding was solely been used for academic purpose.
Thursday, April 16, 2020
matthews messianic expectations Essays - Prophets Of Islam
The Covenant of Abraham or The Abrahamic Covenant is oftentimes spoken of in religious services during prayers and sermons. This covenant establishes Abraham and his descendants to reap not just material benefits throughout eternity; but much more, to include a relationship with God. Beginning with Genesis 12:1-3, the blessings to Abram are promised; from making him a great nation, to blessing his name and his offspring. The understanding of a covenant relationship is of paramount importance when we discuss Abraham and Moses. In theology, a covenant is a solemn agreement made with a religious ritual. (Senior123). The use of the word covenant is frequently used in the 21st century when discussing real estate in considering subdivisions within a neighborhood. There are rules and regulations that encompass conditions with a long list of promises that the resident agrees to abide by regarding the use of the land after purchase. On a much larger scale in the call of Abraham, with his arrival to the land of Canaan (ancient Palestine), God appeared to Abram and said, ?I will assign this land to your heirs.?And he built an altar there to the Lord who had appeared to him (Voorst 46). Again, God has made promises throughout the Bible; however God brought them about by Abraham?s faithfulness and devotion to His promises and commands (Boadt 115). Speaking from a burning bush, God calls Moses to action in helping to lead his people to the Promised Land. God identified himself to Moses saying, ?The God of your father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.? (Voorst 46, 47) In the lives of Abraham and Moses, God gave them promises in a theophany, which means an ?appearance of God? (Boadt 113). In Galatians, emphasis is on justification by faith. Consequently, those who have faith are blessed along with Abraham who has faith. Moses as the mediator received the law and passed it on to the Israelites. Scripture clarifies the use of the law. ?Now there is no mediator when one party is involved and God is one ?(Galatians 3:20). Before faith came, we were held in custody under law, confined for the faith that was to be revealed. Consequently the law was our disciplinarian for Christ, that we might be justified by faith. But now that faith has come, we are no longer under a disciplinarian (Senior 1650). Works Cited Boadt, Lawrence Reading the Old Testament New York: Paulist Press, 1984. Senior, Donald ; Collins, John J; Getty, Mary Ann The Catholic Study Bible Van Voorst, Robert E. Anthology of World Scriptures: Western Religions.Wadsworth.Belmont, CA.Print.2007
Friday, March 13, 2020
Internet Positive and Negative Impacts on Education
Internet Positive and Negative Impacts on Education Introduction The computer and the internet were the most significant inventions of the 21st century and these two inventions have changed the way human beings operate. Many aspects of modern life have been influenced by this two inventions and the education sector is one of the fields that have been significantly influenced by computers and the internet. Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Internet Positive and Negative Impacts on Education specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The internet has had major impacts on education; some of them negative and others positive. This paper argues that education would not be better off without the internet. The paper will begin by articulating the positive impacts that the internet has had on education. It will then analyze some of the negative impacts so as to provide a balanced view on the topic and conclude by showing how the positive impacts outweigh the negative. Positive Impacts of the Internet Academic research is one of the important pillars of education. Tsai asserts that the internet has increased the ability of students to engage in research (222). Before the internet was available, researching students had to engage in time consuming activities while carrying out their research work. They had to physically visit libraries and finding the necessary information was not easy. With the internet, students are able to tap into a virtually unlimited pool of resources. Students are therefore able to produce good research work as a result of the internet. The internet has enhanced the engagement in collaborative work by students and teachers. Without the internet, collaborative work was limited to being among or between parties who lived close to each other (Tsai 234). For people who lived significant distances from each other, collaboration could be a slow and tedious affair since post mail had to be used or one had to travel in order to meet with th eir collaborating partner. The internet has made it possible for collaboration to occur instantaneously regardless of distance. Students and teachers can therefore consult with their peers and engage in productive discussions. By exchanging ideas, innovation and school performance can be achieved. Another significant benefit of the internet is that is has made it possible for online learning to take place. Traditionally, the only way for students to acquire education was by physically going to the school facilities. Advertising Looking for research paper on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More A lot of prospective students were locked out since they lacked the time to attend these institutes or they lived away from the education facilities (Tsai 233). The internet has made it possible for online-learning to take place and students can now engage in education at their convenience and from different geographical locations using virtual classrooms. This has not only benefited students but also educational institutes which can now serve more students since they are no longer restricted by a lack of physical resources to cater for the students. The internet has therefore made education available to more people and therefore helped the society move closer to its goal of providing educational opportunities to all. Negative Impacts of the Internet One of the major demerits that the internet has caused is that it has led to an increase in the rate of academic dishonesty. The major academic dishonesty that has increased due to the internet is the prevalence of plagiarism instances. Most students assume that information that is available online is free for use and therefore submit it as their own in research papers. Other students find copies of work in the internet submitted by other students and attempt to pass it off as their own. While it is true that the high availability of digital media h as increased the temptation of students to cheat, there are ways in which this can be mitigated. Park notes that digital detection of plagiarism has led to a decrease in the plagiarism instances since students are unlikely to engage in plagiarism if the likelihood of being caught is high (481). The internet has made online learning possible and incidents of cheating in this setting are high. Grijlava and Joe reveal that cheating is more abundant in web-based classes than in the traditional classroom setting (2). This is because in web-based settings, there is no physical supervision by the tutor and the temptation to cheat is therefore very high. Students therefore end up attaining grades that they do not deserve as a result of the internet and this damages the credibility of the education system. However, Grijlava and Joe contend that most of the instances of academic dishonesty that occur through the internet are due to the ignorance on the part of the students. The assumption th at all information available is free and can be used in any manner leads many students to unwittingly engage in dishonest behavior.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Internet Positive and Negative Impacts on Education specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Conclusion This paper has argued that the internet has enhanced education by providing significant advantages to the various parties engaged in the educational sector. The internet presents a number of impressive ways for enhancing the educational experience of the students. The paper has highlighted how the internet has increased the research ability of students, enhanced collaboration and made online learning possible. Even so, the paper has noted that the internet has some negative impacts on education, mostly because it makes cheating easy. However, measures can be undertaken to deal with this issue. Considering the positive impact of the internet on educat ion, its use should be encouraged so that the education sector can benefit even more from this invention. Grijlava, Therese and Joe Kerkvliet. ââ¬Å"Academic honesty and online coursesâ⬠. The Chronicle of Higher Education, 47.2 (2003): 1-16. Park, Chris. ââ¬Å"In Other (Peopleââ¬â¢s) Words: plagiarism by university students- literature and lessonsâ⬠. Assessment Evaluation in Higher Education, 28.5 (2003): 471-488. Tsai, Chin. ââ¬Å"Self-efficacy in Internet-based Learning Environments: A Literature Reviewâ⬠. Educational Technology Society, 14.4 (2011): 222ââ¬â240.
Tuesday, February 25, 2020
Human Right Law Coursework (Final Year LLB Law) Essay
Human Right Law Coursework (Final Year LLB Law) - Essay Example It is in this context that the concept of ââ¬Ëliving instrumentââ¬â¢ is often challenged by critics under the scepticism that considering present conditions may be contradictory and evidently different from the set guidelines and regimes followed by state courts; thus raising perplexities and conflicts amid the beneficiaries and the law enforcers. Emphasising this scepticism concerning the effectiveness of the living instrument, Brenda Hale (Baroness Hale of Richmond), stated in her lecture on ââ¬Å"Common law and Convention law: the limits to interpretationâ⬠that the living instrument incorporated by the court of Strasbourg should have certain limits and it should not be unstoppable such as the beanstalk grown from ââ¬Å"magic beansâ⬠2. Contextually, the primary intention of the essay will be to evaluate the past decisions of cases laid by the Strasbourg Court and critically assess the limits stated by Lady Hale in the context. The essay will also evaluate the cha nces or the probability of introducing any limits in the use of the living instrument in the Strasbourg Court. Discussion Living Instrument The ââ¬Ëliving instrument doctrineââ¬â¢ is often regarded as one of the founding principles of the Strasbourg case-law. Based on this principle, the conflicts registered in the ECHR are interpreted in the light of present day condition. In general terms, the aspect of a living instrument can be explained as an approach of the ECHR to consider the present day conditions while making a decision rather than what the drafters thought way back in the conventional era. This idea of the court is often regarded as ââ¬Å"dynamic or evaluativeâ⬠, which is however criticised as directly contradictory to the concept of ââ¬Ëoriginalismââ¬â¢3. It will be crucial to mention that since the convention is considered and practiced as a living instrument, it is bound to consider only the present day conditions in order to ensure the practicality a nd effectiveness of the ECHR4. This particular notion adopted by ECHR, as a living instrument, can be comprehensively understood with reference to the cases of Mata Estevez v Spain (2001) and Schalk and Kopf v Austria (2010). For example, in the case of Mata Estevez v Spain (2001), the Strasbourg Court disapproved that the relationship between same-sex couples falls within the principles of Article 8 (ââ¬Å"Right to respect for private and family lifeâ⬠) of ECHR and thus cannot be considered to be under the family scope to be entitled for the related human rights. However, in the case of Schalk and Kopf v Austria (2010), the court approved the relationship of same sex couples to be applicable under the principle of Article 8 of ECHR. In this case, the court considered the present day condition where same sex couples are treated and accepted with utmost respect in the society5. Strictly following the principle of ââ¬Ëliving instrumentââ¬â¢ can give rise to various drawbac ks in the law enforcement procedure, which has become the base of continuing debate on the effectiveness of
Sunday, February 9, 2020
How Construction has evolved and developed to the current standards Dissertation
How Construction has evolved and developed to the current standards. (Re-word if needed) - Dissertation Example The regulations relating to buildings and their construction is fundamental to the health, welfare and safety of everyone who live in a building, work in a building at some time transact business in and around building. These individuals of course include the disabled for whom special requirements have been given. They also seek to promote the conservation of fuel and power and the prevention of waste and water (planning regulations research (SAIC 2007). Individuals spend approximately 90% of their time in buildings (SAIC 2007). In the UK, over one third of the carbon dioxide emissions come from buildings. The emission of carbon dioxide is very harmful to the environment and in order to protect the ozone layer we have to emphasise the importance of standards. Building Standards are fundamental to the health and safety of us all. In this regard the authorities are working hard to ensure that standards are achieved and continuously improved. Compliance and enforcement has become new issues as standards are being adapted to keep abreast with design, technology, materials and construction, as well as energy conservation issues. However, there has been increasing concerns with regards to the level of compliance, frequency, pace and increasing complexity of these changes. 2.0 The Evolution of Building Standards Construction standards have evolved overtime with frequent and more complex Building Regulations since the 1990ââ¬â¢s. These changes relate to: Structure of buildings, Fire safety to both dwelling houses and other buildings, Site preparation and resistance to contaminants and moisture; Toxic substances; Resistance to the passage of sound; Ventilation; Hygiene; Drainage and waste disposal; Combustion appliances and fuel storage systems; Guidance and Supplementary Information on the UK Implementation of European Standards for Chimneys and Flues; Conservation of fuel and power to existing dwelling houses, other buildings, new dwelling houses and other new buildings; access to and use to buildings; Glazing ââ¬â safety in relation to impact, opening and cleaning; Electrical safety ââ¬â Dwellings; Materials and workmanship. 2.1 Old Trafford to Wembley Old Trafford was built starting from as far back as the 1900s when requirements were very barely significant. However, there have been major demolitions, modifications and additions since that time. The old roof pillars were replaced in 1965 with modern-style cantilevers. Changes were also made to focus crowd noise on the pitch. The final adjustment was made in 2004 in order to ensure that all spectators had seats. Old Trafford has aspects of the new standards based on
Thursday, January 30, 2020
Vision and Values Essay Example for Free
Vision and Values Essay In their 2009 article, Darling and Heller contend that ââ¬Å"The Key to the successful management leadership of organizational development in todayââ¬â¢s era of dynamic changes is thereby embedded in the leaderââ¬â¢s thoughts and feelings. I concur that a leaderââ¬â¢s thoughts and feelings are paramount in determining the leaderââ¬â¢s success and therefore the success of the organization. (Heller, 2009) In the Harvard Business Review article ââ¬Å"Leadership That Get Results,â⬠Daniel Goldman cites research which shows that up to 30% of a companyââ¬â¢s financial results are determined by the climate of the organization. The major factor that drives the climate of the organization is the leader. Goldman also states that roughly 50-70% of how employees perceive their organizationââ¬â¢s climate is attributable to the actions and behaviors of their leader. (Martinuzzi, 2013) A leader creates the environment that determines peopleââ¬â¢s moods at the office and their mood in turn, affects their productivity and level of engagement. People take their cues from the leaderââ¬â¢s state of mind. For example, as a leader, one has to be particularly mindful to how to manage emotions if your organization is undergoing change. How a leader handle emotions during these crucial times can help or hinder the change process. It is a known fact that if the resistance to change is emotional, it is the hardest form of resistance to overcome. As the leader handling a change initiative, do not avoid the emotions that accompany the change process. The leader is the one who sets the mood and manage the emotions. A leaderââ¬â¢s upbeat mood metaphorically oxygenates the blood of the followers. It may be one of the most potent contributions you can make as a leader. (Martinuzzi, 2013) I do not believe that Darling and Heller have identified a new approach to management in turbulent times because top producing leaders have been using this method for decades. References Heller, J. D. (2009). Organization development in an era of socioeconomic change: A focus on the key to successful management leadership. Organization Development Journal, 27(2), 9-26. (ProQuest Document ID 1737653851). Martinuzzi, B. (2013). A Leaders Mood: The Dimmer Switch of Performance. Retrieved from 1000
Wednesday, January 22, 2020
Analysis of To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee :: To Kill a Mockingbird Essays
In the 1960ââ¬â¢s Harper Lee wrote the award-winning novel ââ¬ËTo Kill a Mockingbirdââ¬â¢. The novels story is told through the eyes of Jean Louise Finch (aka. Scout). It all starts when Scout is only six years of age. She lives with her Father Atticus (Lawyer), Brother Jeremy (Jem), and their lovely black Housekeeper, Calpurnia. They live in the Deep South in a small town called Maycomb. Scout and Jem make a new friend early on in the book, Dill, with whom they get into much mischief with. They soon come to realize that in their little racial town, there is more to it than meets eye. They find there is much corruption and deception going on, people are not who they are made out to be. Characters could be described as a ââ¬ËMockingbirdââ¬â¢, symbolizing innocence (ââ¬Ëfree from any wrong; pureââ¬â¢. (Stated in the Macquarie Dictionary)), or a ââ¬ËBlue-Jayââ¬â¢, symbolizing immorality (ââ¬Ëwrong according to the moral law or to accepted patterns of behaviorââ¬â¢ (Macquarie Dictionary)). Two main characters that are considered to be ââ¬ËMockingbirdsââ¬â¢ are; Scout (six year old white girl) and Tom Robinson (25 year old black family man, who lost his arm in a machinery accident). These Characters are ââ¬ËMockingbirds due to their innocence through the book. Scouts innocence is bound by her age; she is seen as young and nieve. Throughout the book there are many incidents in which she doesnââ¬â¢t understand what is going on around her, due to her lack of knowledge. One such incident is at Christmas time when Jem and Scout receive air riffles. Atticusââ¬â¢s words of caution to them were, ââ¬Å"Shoot all the Blue-Jays you want. If you can hit em. But remember, itââ¬â¢s a sin to kill a mockingbirdâ⬠(p.99). Scout was confused, for that was the first time Atticus had said anything was a sin. Scout consulted her neighbor Miss Maudie for an explanation. Miss Maudies exact words were, ââ¬Å"Mockingbirds donââ¬â¢t do one thing but make music for us to enjoy. They donââ¬â¢t eat up peoples gardens, donââ¬â¢t nest in corncribs, they donââ¬â¢t do one thing but sing their hearts out for us. Thatââ¬â¢s why it is a sin to kill a Mockingbirdâ⬠. Scout didnââ¬â¢t realize this at the time but she was getting a valuable lesson that she will understand later in life. At one stage in the book Scouts innocence saves Atticusââ¬â¢s and Tom Robinsonââ¬â¢s Lifeââ¬â¢s. Jem, Scout and Dill all sneak out to surprise Atticus, but when they arrive at the jail cell where Atticus is minding Tom, they get their own surprise. They come just in time to see a mob of farmers arrive trying to get into Tomââ¬â¢s cell for a reason
Tuesday, January 14, 2020
Global warming Essay
Persuasive Speech Good day everyone, today I admonish about global warming. As we know that global warming is on the rise and worsen our planets condition, and as a concern citizen to our environment we should make an action to fight global warming, we should have maintenance and changes to our surroundings to help our dying planet; wake up to reality and be part of the preservation of our mother earth. Global warming has started since the late 19th century and still continues to the present time. According to studies global warming is getting worst through the years and even we can feel the changes in our climate. The melting of North and South Pole are some evidence of the rising temperature of the Earthââ¬â¢s atmosphere and ocean caused by the increasing concentrations of green house gases produced by human activities. And since 1980 the rise of temperature increases two-thirds from the preceding. For now we know how global warming mount and on its greatest. We should be concern to life, to our future, to our childrenââ¬â¢s children and to all living things in our planet. And I also predict if global warming still prolong and influence our planets worsening condition, 5000 years is the remaining time to our planet that life can exist for even us could imagine what would happen to the upcoming years if global warming still continues. Today there are lots of people producing actions that battle global warming but still they are lacking, they still need more or else all people to be a component of the conservation of our planet. Even there are many citizens saving the earth but the more citizens killing our planet, it is useless. I hope that you will realize the effects of global warming and be more concerned to our environment .To have the sense of discipline to do the right things for the goodness of our planet, so that we wonââ¬â¢t suffer. And once again Iââ¬â¢m knocking on you to wake up and be part of the preservation of our planet. Thank you. God bless!
Sunday, January 5, 2020
Somaiya Institute Of Management Studies - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 15 Words: 4552 Downloads: 7 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Management Essay Type Research paper Did you like this example? With globalisation with an increasingly inter-dependent world, countries are vigorously pursuing policies to optimise positive factor endowments. The rapid technological changes will reinforce the process of global integration. It is believed that the battles of this century will be fought and won with the power of ideas. Societies will become fully knowledge dependent and promote knowledge based industries. Donââ¬â¢t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Somaiya Institute Of Management Studies" essay for you Create order India has an added comparative factor advantage because of a vast reservoir of skilled manpower. The demographic differences reveal that over the next 20 years, India will have distinct advantages in a population profile concentrated in the younger age group, where many opportunities can be optimised. What are the policies that can enable India to optimise these opportunities and what should be done as a nation to turn out to be winners? The All India Management Association (AIMA) had set up a High Level Strategic Group comprising leaders from industry, academia, and the government. The results of the deliberations of the group, involving in-depth interaction with wide segments of society and decision makers, are contained in this report. A task force comprising AIMA and the Confederation of Indian Industry has been constituted to implement the Action Program that has emerged. They had lot of suggestions which have been included in the report. This will enable India to enhan ce its growth, secure additional employment, and maximise the emerging opportunities. Global Scenario: Indian Scenario: Stats Figures Population of India 1.2 billion approx Literacy rate 66% Male literacy rate 76.90% Female literacy rate 54.50% No of schools Primary 8.4 lac approx Secondary 1.1 lac approx No of colleges General 7782 Professional 2124 Funds allotted to education $438 bn Alarming Facts 35% of the population in India is still illiterate. Only 15% of all the students enrolled in primary school reach high school. In spite of new colleges emerging every day, India could offer enough seats only to 7% of the countrys total college-age population. 25% of the teaching positions in India are vacant. 57% of college professors lack either a Masters or a PhD degree. In India it takes 14 different licenses from four mutually independent government authorities to start an average level private school. The Govt. of India has decided in Jan 2010 to withdraw the Deemed University status from 44 well known universities in the country In February 2009, a raid in Bihar found 100,000 fake certificates from 19 fake institutions. Governing Bodies AICTE (All India Council for Technical Education) UGC( University Grants Commission) are the two main organizations that oversee the education sector in India. The AICTE was formed in 1945 whereas the UGC was formed in 1953 The main difference between the two is that UGC monitors the funds allotted to the institutes whereas AICTE looks specifically after the technical studies in India. Engineering, MBA and Pharmacy comes under the umbrella of technical education. The UGC conducts the NET exam for appointing teachers in colleges. Role of AICTE v/s UGC AICTE UGC Formed in 1945. Technical institutes are overseen by AICTE Primary function: To undertake surveys in various fields of technical education. Has to answer to the HRD ministry Formed in 1953 All other colleges are overseen by UGC. Primary function: To look after the financial needs of Universities Free to do whatever it likes Right to Education Government of India launched the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA)in 2001 which is the most recent initiatives of the Government of India, which presents its guidelines, planning methodology, data on elementary education created under District Information System for Education (DISE). The next step in this journey was taken by the Right to Education Act. By this act, every child between the ages of 6 to 14 years has the right to free and compulsory education. The government schools shall provide free education to all the children and the schools will be managed by school management committees (SMC). Private schools shall admit at least 25% of the children in their schools without any fee. The funding for the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan has to come from 65:35 between the centre and states. State governments and the local bodies should come up with primary schools within every one kilometre of area. For children of higher secondary the school has to be within every three kilometres of area. If the above facilities are absent, the onus lies on state government to make arrangement for free transportation or residential facilities to the students. C:UsersVishalDesktopeducation2.jpg Challenges to RTE: * Shortage of funds. * India needs at least 500,000 more teachers to make it success. * There are still many states who are not cooperative in implementing the Act. * Thousands of schools still dont have an adequate infrastructure. * A proper monitoring system to see its execution. The following methodologies have given a new face to the playing field of the education sector. These are elucidated as follows: E learning: E Learning as a trend is set in the West and India is taking up the same. There are certain advantages of this system like, it is self-paced i.e. Learning can be done at ones own pace. E learning can be interactive and the timing and duration of classes is your own decision. This reason makes it suitable for working professionals. There is enough scope of business in developing online learning. In future, there will be high demand for those technologies and people who can develop a multi-lingual courseware. High quality e-learning solutions are being developed and industries like steel, IT, automobiles, cement and telecom are using them. Estimate says that India in coming years is bound to grow in its stature as a hub for e-learning programmes because of IT support and computer education penetrating to the bottom of pyramid. It is imperative that e-learning will dominate as a way of acquiring knowledge in coming years as low cost PC would be available and broadband will be able to penetrate deeper especially in rural areas. Last five years, the Human Resource Development (HRD) has been trying to bring radical change and attain the goal of making primary education accessible to every child in India. The government is trying to bring in as many colleges as possible under the University Grants Commission (UGC). The UGC and AICTE can then push measures to bring Quality. Through the National Mission on Education and Information Communication Technology an amount of Rs 4612 cr is decided to be spent for the 11thFive Year Plan for the scheme with a budget of more than Rs 502 cr for the financial year 2008-09. One significant project aimed at providing all web based training is the National Programme for Technology Enhanced Learning (NPTEL). It was first conceived in 1999, to set the path for introducing the multimedia and web technologies to enhance learning of basic science engineering concepts. Finally it was launched in September 2006. Major Players : There is a big list of companies who have developed competencies to develop e-learning packages. Tata Interactive Services, Genpact and Binary Semantics are few prominent names. CDAC and IGNOU are two of Indias most esteemed organizations in their respective fields, which have held conferences in the field of e-learning every year. Many private institutes have entered into online distance education. The famous NIIT Varsity is known for offering training to 500,000 students annually across 33 countries. One of the worlds leading management schools, the Indian Institute of Management Calcutta, like many others, entered into strategic alliance with NIIT, to offer an executive development programme through virtual classrooms. Challenges However, there is not enough of e-learning courseware that addresses various topics. With the current rate of investment and government support, it will take long to cover significant areas of course material in form of e-learning. The other chal lenge is the classical resistance against the change. Many instructors believe that the changes underway are strictly about putting content online, and they fear that will remove them from the learning equation. This can be compared with libraries being the only resource needed for effective learning in last centuries. VIDEO CONFERENCING Video Conferencing is a fairly new technique which is consistent with the latest technology. Today it is used in classrooms and many educators use this medium to impart knowledge. Video Conferencing is an interactive communication strategy which lets students and teachers have a visual connection with each other, whether they are 5 miles away or across the globe from each other. With the introduction of low cost conferencing systems, carried out easily with inexpensive cameras and low cost or free software, video Conferencing will become more prevalent in the education industry and span across more and more educational institutions, with increase in the spread of Internet. There are many ways in which Video Conferencing might be used in a classroom. Below are some of the ways in which it has already been successfully used for knowledge transfer: Collaborations: VC is used for project work or research collaborations among classes allowing students in different locations to vir tually work together without actual physical presence. Groups Reporting news: VC is used to show current/live events as they happen. Eclipses, cyber events and celebrations such as those which take place during National Science Foundations Science and Technology Week, and NASA space flights have been broadcast so that the knowledge can be shared with everybody. Planning: Workshops can be planned for teachers or a business partner or university students via this medium. A teaching team can be formed with remote teachers and lessons can be planned. Guest Experts: Students have the privilege to listen to guest lectures by scientists, politicians or those with special expertise, by sitting in their classrooms. Distance is no longer a factor in being able to hold a meeting, conduct a discussion or receive feedback on a science project from an expert. Training: Students and teachers have been able to learn to use new software or techniques during videoconferences. Even learnin g to navigate the Internet or create a web page can be done during a videoconferencing training session. Businesses have been able to offer job orientations and training to future employees as part of career preparation activities. Virtual Field Trips: Specific Programs and tours of aquariums, zoos, museums, libraries, hospitals and other facilities have been offered for students. Distance, cost and time factors are main deterrents to students taking a field trip to a location which could enhance their study, virtual field trips using video conferencing can often be arranged. Team Learning and Teaching: Students and teachers can make teaching teams to provide experiences for those on the team. A lot of knowledge transfer can happen from those living in different areas and/or possessing functional expertise. Presentations from various locations made by the teams can be enhanced with the newer features available in some of the videoconferencing packages. Job Interviews: There are some interviews in the initial stages of the recruitment process, for which the candidate need not be present in person because of the availability of Video Conferencing. Using this facility saves the candidate from spending the cost and time to travel to a distant location for the interview. Also, this speeds up the process for the recruiters who wish to interview talent from various different locations but are held back because of time spent in travelling to each destination. Case Study: Everonn Systems India Ltd.(ESIL) 18_1_2009_11_20_9575_logo Everonn System India ltd (ESIL) is giving Education at colleges schools .It was founded in year 2000 by its present CEO Mr P Kishore. ESIL is a training and education company providing a variety of services that include It gives educational and training of global importance; Designs and executes great learning initiatives and Sets up the required infrastructure. With presence in eleven States, over 4,400 Computer Labs and having trained 1.4 mn students, it has built a great brand image of key policy makers for Computer knowledge in Schools and colleges. It has experience of bringing management plans from premier colleges like XLRIs, IIMs, LIBA, IIT, MICA and from working students, professionals all over India. BUISNESS STRUCTURE OF EVERONN Broadly Everonns business can be classified into two Strategic Business Units (SBU): ViTELS Model: Everonn redefined access to education by establishing Virtual and Interactive Learning classroom chain across India to provide quality yet affordable education. This is done by providing training and education through satellite based on Very Small Aperture Terminal (VSAT) . Through these students have interactive sessions with teachers and other students across the country thus truly filling the urban rural gap. Under ViTELS there are 4 different sub units: Virtual Schools (V-Schools). Interactive-Schools (I-Schools). Virtual Colleges (V-Colleges). Retail Outlets. ICT Model: Instructional Computing Technology (ICT) basically operates on a BOOT (Build -Own- Operate- Transfer) basis entering into 3-5 years contract with state government. In typical contract company provides everything from setting up infrastructure to furniture, AC, Faculty education solution to govt. schools. Each school requires 5-15 computers, and the ownership of the hardware infrastructure is typically transferred to the schools management at the end of the contract period. Billing is done to state government typical billing cycle is quarterly half yearly hence makes this business Capital intensive impacts return ratios. MACROECONOMIC FACTORS Ratio of student to teacher is 41 in India which is above theworld average of 27; in such a situation use of technology would be convenient for solving deficit of teachers classroom become more exciting entreating way to learn easily. Everonn is bridging this gap by giving education through virtual learning technique. In India for ICT @ schools scheme63000 are open and out of total 9 lacs Government schools 16300 schools are ICT @ schools so far by organized players, and still ~46697 schools to be included. Private schools are 2 lacs and 80 thousand in India, just 0.80% are covered so far which shows big opportunity everyone would enjoy sufficient shares; question is which company would have fast implementation better content delivery model. ` CHALLENGES FACED AND AHEAD Today one of the major topics of discussion in the education sector is the opening of the sector so that private players can enter in it that can make this field as competitive as any other sector in a free market economy. As we know, healthy competition can help to eliminate incompetent players, while allowing the better participants to succeed by providing top-of-the-line products and excellent services to their customers. We have all seen this process happening in action in other industries, so why is there such a hue and cry when it comes to the education sector? The answer lies in the perception that is there in the mind of the people that education is essentially a not-for-profit arena where the focus should be on social good, not on capital gains. While most private players acknowledge the strong influence of this principle on industry dynamics, the state essentially looks towards government-run educational institutions and not to privately run ones to uphold the social e lement in Indian education and herein lies the rub. It is a fact that India has a proliferation of government-run premium educational institutions like IIT, IIMS, NITS while privately run premium institutes are very few. This is mainly because of a strict licensing policy followed by the government where private players have to meet stringent regulatory measures in order to set up educational institutions that maintain the not-for-profit institutional structure and serves the society. The debate in the industry and, indeed in academic circles, centers around the possibility that this licensing policy might be relaxed to allow private players to invest in education sector. On one side, advocates of the change, such as the noted economist, Kaushik Basu, argue that the quality of education delivered by government institutions is incredibly low and that the entry of more private institutions can help create competition and profitability as well as quality education, thusÃâà gua ranteeingÃâà an improvement in standards of educational institutes. On the other hand, detractors proclaim that such a move will make the industry a free for all players, with the result that the social need of providing quality education will be ignored in the face of opportunities to make higher profits. This issue of the present standard of educational institutions is a deeper one than it seems to be at first sight. It also involves arguments from both sides that talks about the low salaries received by the majority of academicians which forces them to quit for greener pastures abroad or in private institutions. This in turn has an effect on the quality of their teaching as well as increases the need to set up more technological advanced educational institutions with proper infrastructure and the use of the latest practices in pedagogy. The issue also does not seem to arrive at any conclusion. It is, of course, up to the people of India to decide upon the issue and rememb er that since the ancient university of Nalanda, India found popular recognition from the world in education only after privately run educational colleges were set up in the recent past. The question before us is of prime importance. Does the education industry in India requires more private players?Ãâà If this can be somehow achieved,Ãâà will it lead to a better and more efficient educational system? BRAND BUILDING: Creating a Brand Value and Proposition Institutes always look for various means to attract students, the question which arises is whether the known marketing principles apply to educational institutes? Is it similar to the marketing of shampoo or telecom services? Usually, marketing strategies and branding principles are universal. One has define its brand, decide what it stands for, articulate and project its distinctive features, develop a brand plan and then implement it. The tricky part, however, is that the creator or promoter of the brand might want to show his product in a certain light but the audience can perceive it in entirely different way. This is especially applicable for subliminal services such as education. An educational brand is defined by several intangible factors like the quality of the education it provides, its faculty, culture and resources available for students. The several other factors are campus size, quality and diversity of the graduating batch and their track record in getting jobs. F or education institutes, the product i.e. the education to be branded is very different from regular consumer product. The relationship between the consumer (student) and the product (education) is predetermined and time bound, and the consumer cannot enjoy two competing products simultaneously. For an educational institute best way of advertising is by the word of mouth. So it is very essential for the educational institute to provide quality education to students so as gain confidence of the consumer (student). It is very difficult to estimate the return on investment on marketing and advertisement of an educational institute because usually in an educational sector it takes around 10-15 years to establish an educational institute brand. Making the Right Noise Educational institutes in India, spend close to Rs. 150 million annually on promotional and advertising activities. According to TAM Media Research, spending on advertisement by the education sector have been increasing steadily over the last three years, with the education sector accounting for 1.1 percent of TV advertising and 15 percent of overall print advertising in 2008. Considering the case of Indian Institute of Planning and Management (IIPM), the pioneer of full page colour ads in national newspapers says it has an annual budget of marketing of Rs. 800 million and concentrates mainly on print ads. According to the Amit Saxena, president, Corporate Communications, IIPM The IIPM brand has been created through smart content-driven advertising. The institute has faced several controversies, the most recent being the nasty blogger controversy in 2005 regarding the authenticity of its claims in its print ads. But according to various experts in case of educational institutes excessive advertisement can also dilute the brand image of the institute. As there is the perception that institute do advertisement only when they are not able to provide quality education and able to attract consumers (students). Whereas excessive advertisement is case of tuition and coaching institutes helps to create awareness and reach out to more number of consumer (students) and provides a platform for coaching institutes to project there past success record. C:UserslenovoDesktop8 Copy.jpg Future of Brand Building in Education Sector Indian education sector is opening up new avenues and opportunities as it is progressing and reshaping itself. Many competitors, multiple opportunities, coming up in this segment. Question arises about building of brand and communicating with students (consumers), attracting talented students to course of their choice. How scenario is going to change of brand building in education sector Medium Existing Way New Way News Paper Advertisement Educational institutes allocates lot of budget to print media based advertisement Target youth of India is moving towards internet, news paper based advertisement is going to get less attention in the future. Seminar, Road Show Institutes conduct seminars in 5 star hotels, seminar halls. Conversion rate is low and student acquisition cost is high in this case. Institutes will start conducting online webinars, online discussions. It will be the way to interact with students Franchise Management Institutes have multiple franchises, training centres to sell application forms. But tracking mechanism, conversion rate of students is missing. Institutes do not get clear picture of pre admission, admission process. Centralized way to track student interaction, student interest, no leakage of revenue in terms of application forms fee. Better student acquisition and huge cost savings. Customer Centric Approach Student as customer approac h is missing in the current context. Delay, misplacement is application form creates confusion among students Institutes would be customer centric. Usage of technology would be high. Prospective students would get better service. Private players in different segments of education sector: Education BUSINESS PROSPECTS There is a good demand for quality education and online tutorial services in India. With good facilities at competitive rates, India can attract more number of students from abroad. Unique teaching methods, educational portals and tools can be effectively used to make the sector useful and profit making. How to educate and train the Indian students and workforce The nature of action required by India Inc. to empower students would involve the following: Investment in faculty and education infrastructure to increase supply of skilled professionals with relevant skills Investment in training institutions to upgrade skill sets of individuals required for remote services Vocational skills Communication (verbal and written) Etiquette Strengthening of the education curriculum to include Practical knowledge Understanding of other countries cultures Foreign language skills Mandatory English language skills Creative mechanisms of funding so that quality education is easily and widely available Standards and bodies to certify skill sets In India, corporates are investing heavily in education sector. This is expected to do benefit to the learning landscape in the country. But there has to be a check that what players are entering the education sector. If there are no regulations in the education sector then a ll kinds of people will try to get into this space. The task for the government is to make sure that India does not have fly by night operators and ensure that the regulatory procedures keep on quality checks from time to time. The government is playing its part by setting up more central universities, more IITs and IIMs. Yet, a lot more work needs to be done to fill the vacuum. And so its a positive sign that the private sector is taking the initiative in this regard. Private players are actively making investment in higher education sector. However, when it comes at the school level, the corporate sector is not much keen to invest mainly because such investments will not yield high profits. Though it is expected that the responsibility to provide quality education in India is largely of the government, we would encourage the corporate sector to look at elementary education as part of their corporate social responsibility plans. The Road Ahead Foreign Institutes coming to India FOREIGN UNIVERSITIES located outside India play a big role in the Indian higher education scenario. These attract many thousands of Indian students to their campuses each year -about 80,500 Indian students enrolled in U.S. institutions alone in 2008-09. Graduates of accredited foreign institutions play important roles in the development of India when they return home. Hence there will be greater opportunities available to Indian students if accredited foreign institutions offered degree programs in India to expand access to higher education to Indian students, by staying in the country itself! The attraction of study abroad for Indian students, as a supplement to the Indian higher education available within India, is bound to continue in the near future also. For most students, the motivation is to attain the best possible education. Competition for admission to Indias best institutions is very intense about two per cent of those taking admission tests for the prestigious IITs and IIMs actually convert their calls into admission. So considering the above conditions, recently Indian Government made an announcement that foreign universities may be allowed to setup their own campuses in India. If this proposed bill is passed in the Parliament then it is going to have many implications on the Indian Education Sector and the students. PROS CONS There would be more choices available for Indian students and they would get a direct access to foreign universities at the local level. Studying in a Foreign Institute would increase the overall cost of education thereby making it more difficult for all to get admission. At this stage, Indians need more quality education at an affordable rate. Because of the increased competition with Foreign Institutes, quality of education offered by Indian Institutes will also be better. There is already a scarcity of qualified teachers for the existing Indian Institutes. The gap of qualified teachers and teache r to student ratio must be addressed and foreign institutes may not address this immediately. Currently only well off students can afford better quality education abroad. This trend can be expected to change if foreign institutes set up base in India. Infrastructure for Foreign Institutes must be addressed in India. If foreign institutes set up base here in India, India may attract more students from Middle East, Far East etc. This could bring in more income for the country. This may also lead to more students coming to India thereby increasing the existing competition for Indian students. According to industry body ASSOCHAM, the education sector (along with the healthcare and FMCG sectors) will grow at healthy rates in 2010. The industry body said that the investments by citizens on education would continue to increase to ensure growth for their dependents and wards. The Centre plans to permit the private sector to establish educational institutions and access the capital market, as a way of addressing the aspect of funding in the education centre. The government has finalized the sharing of funds-for implementing The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act (the law making education a fundamental right)-between the Centre and the states, in the ratio of 65 to 35. With the Government showing a clear willingness to engage the private sector in accomplishing the daunting task of educating Indias13.5cr students, there are thus significant opportunities to tap for companies like Educomp Solutions, Everonn Systems India and NIIT Limited, both in the Government schools and Private schools businesses. With increasing demand for skilled human resources also in sectors like Financial Services, there exist great opportunities for growth in the Corporate Training business programs.
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